MASSAGE THERAPY (19.2 Credit Hours)
(Offered only at the West campus)
(26 weeks / Full time)
(38 weeks / Part time) (30 weeks / Part time)


The objective of this course is to prepare the student to be employed at the entry level in the Massage Therapy field, as well as to receive a massage license. Students at our Beauty School in Miami, Florida will also receive information about compensation packages, payroll deductions, and career information such as professional ethics, effective communication, and human relations.

Instructional Methods:

This course is taught in theory and practical methods. Instructors will use blackboards, audio/visual aids, and demonstration materials.

Program #
M1 Technology of Massage, State Law, HIV/AIDS 1.6 60 0
M2 Hydrotherapy
Includes: Theory and Application of technique
1.6 60 0
M3 Anatomy and Physiology I
Includes: Health, Safety & Infection control
2.4 90 0
M4 Anatomy and Physiology II
Includes: Sciences/Pathology
2.4 90 0
M5 Anatomy and Physiology III 2.4 90 0
M6 Allied Modalities I 2.4 90 0
M7 Allied Modalities II 2.4 90 0
M8 Allied Modalities II
Includes: Massage Theory and Clinical Practicum
2.4 90 0
M9 Communication, Human Relation, & Business Adm.
Includes: Career Focus
1.6 60 0
Total 19.2 720 0

Program Description:

Our program of Massage Therapy is unique and exclusive. The theory and practice instructions impart the ability and competency of our graduates to earn a livelihood through massage and/or the use of several modalities at an entry level position. This program is offered in Spanish. Please note that graduates under the age of 18 may have certain regulations that reduce their ability to become employed.

Grading Procedure:
Instructors will use tests, quizzes, and practical exams throughout the program in order to evaluate the student’s progress.


Students must complete all listed programs and services, in addition to financial obligation, and academic requirements to be considered a graduate and be awarded a diploma.

Licensing Requirements:

In order to be eligible to sit for the Florida Massage Therapy examination, applicants must complete a minimum of 500 clock hours.

Please note that this course is measured in credits equal to 720 hours. Student hours are recorded throughout the program for this reason, however, graduates must make sure that they have completed the required state hours in our school if they wish to sit for the state exam.

Possible Occupations: Graduates of this course can expect these possible occupations upon licensure:

Therapist in clinics, masseuse in spas, cruise ships, and hotels, instructors at massage schools, and others.

MASSAGE THERAPY (19.2 Credit Hours)
(Offered only at the West campus)
(26 weeks / Full time) (38 weeks / Part time) (31 weeks / Part time)

Program #
M1 Technology of Massage, State Law, HIV/AIDS 1.6 60 0
This course provides a basic understanding, overview, and history of the Massage Therapy Profession, as well as alternatives and different types of professions associated with it. This course also provides knowledge of the basic laws and regulations concerning Massage Therapy and the Florida Department of Health. This course also entails a fundamental knowledge of HIV/Aids awareness
M2 Hydrotherapy 1.6 60 0
This course provides knowledge on the basic Hydrotherapy elements of Massage Therapy as well as different types of massage.
M3 Anatomy and Physiology I 2.4 90 0
This course provides basic understanding of what is involved in anatomy and physiology of the human body. In this course, students will learn all the different types of systems associated with Massage Therapy.
M4 Anatomy and Physiology II 2.4 90 0
This course provides intermediate knowledge on the basic anatomy and physiology functions of the human body. In this course, students will learn all the different types of systems associated with Massage Therapy.
M5 Anatomy and Physiology III 2.4 90 0
This course provides knowledge on the specific elements of anatomy and physiology of the human body. In this course, students will learn the details of the systems associated with Massage Therapy.
M6 Allied Modalities I 2.4 90 0
This course provides a basic understanding and practice of different techniques used in the Massage Therapy field. Traditional as well as new methods will be taught in this course. This course also provides a basic understanding of the practice of Massage Therapy
M7 Allied Modalities II 2.4 90 0
This course provides an intermediate understanding and practice of different techniques used in the Massage Therapy field. Every different type of method will be taught in this course. This course provides an intermediate understanding of the practice of Massage Therapy.
M8 Allied Modalities II 2.4 90 0
This course provides an intermediate understanding and practice of different techniques used in the Massage Therapy field. Every different type of method will be taught in this course. This course provides an intermediate understanding of the practice of Massage Therapy with real life clinic type atmosphere and education.
M9 Communication, Human Relation, & Business Adm 1.6 60 0
This course provides a basic understanding and practice of actual clinic and spa related issues. A very general overview of Business Administration is also taught as well as resume and tax information.
Total 19.2 720 0

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